Waffles with Goat Cheese and Figs – J.Amirfallah

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For The Waffles:

For The Figs:


Peel the figs [1] and cut them in half.

Melt the maizena (cornstarch) with a little red wine. Pour the rest of the red wine into a saucepan, add a little bit of sweet sugar and let it boil, then slightly thicken it with the dissolved cornstarch.

Add the prepared figs to the red wine broth, simmer for two to three minutes [2], then remove the saucepan from the stove and cool the figs in it.

For the waffles, mix the yolks with flour and milk [3], season with garlic, freshly finely chopped thyme leaves and salt. Whip the egg whites until stiff and carefully fold them into the waffle batter [4]. In a hot waffle iron – lightly greased – gradually bake the waffles from the batter and keep warm.

Spread the still warm waffles with the goat cheese and bring to the table with the figs.

[1] If necessary, according to the variety.

[2] Or even less long, provided that the figs are already very ripe: then just marinate them in the red wine broth.

[3] Adjust the milk mass: the dough should remain quite thick, since it is still loosened with egg white.

[4] First stir in about a quarter of the egg white to loosen it up, and then carefully stir in the remaining egg white.

Our tip: Use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavorful, spicy dishes.

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