Curd Cream with Banana

First, whip the whipped cream until stiff. Mix with curd, sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Peel the bananas and cut into slices, mix into the cream. Divide into bowls and serve.

Peynirli Börek – Fogli Di Pasta Ripieni Di Formaggio Feta

Ungere bene una teglia rettangolare e spalmarla con una fetta di yufka. Mescolare le uova, il latte, l’olio, il sale iodato e il pepe e versarne un mestolo sulle sfoglie. Posizionare una seconda sfoglia e versarvi sopra il latte d’uovo, fare lo stesso con la terza sfoglia. Sbriciolare la feta, tritare le erbe lavate, mescolarle … Read more

Sopa De Frijoles – Black Bean Soup

A bean recipe for every taste: Cover the beans with cold water and soak for one night. A day later, drain, put the beans in a saucepan, cover with enough water and soften with the bay spice for about 1 hour 10 min with the lid closed. Drain and remove the bay spice. Grind the … Read more

King Prawns in Garlic Butter

For the king prawns in garlic butter, peel the king prawns (leave the prawn tails). Sprinkle with cayenne pepper, cracked pepper mixture and salt and marinate for about 1 hour. Peel and crush garlic cloves. Heat a skillet or grill well, place butter and garlic on top. Add the shrimp and grill for 3-5 minutes. … Read more

Puff Pastry Stuffed with Tomatoes and Mozzarella Cheese

For the puff pastry filled with tomatoes and mozzarella, unroll fresh puff pastry on baking paper and preheat the oven to 210°C. Lightly sauté the chopped shallot in olive oil. Quarter tomatoes, remove seeds and cut into small cubes, sauté briefly with shallot and season with salt, pepper and chopped garlic. Add the mozzarella to … Read more

Banana Chocolate Crispy Cream

Rice crispies crush and fill into a glass. Stir raspberries with a marinade of honey, sugar and juice of one lemon and put on the Krem Form. Decorate with mint leaves and a little powdered sugar. Tip: Do you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Depending on the, use what tastes better to you.

Fisole Salad

For the green bean salad, unthread the green bean, wash and break into pieces. Boil or steam in salted water for about 15 min, drain. For the sauce, peel the shallots, dice finely, mix with the other ingredients of the sauce, mix with the beans while they are still warm and let them stand for … Read more

French Fries Homemade

For the French fries, wash the raw potatoes, brush them off, cut into strips. Place in cold water until ready to fry so they don’t brown. Heat the oil until hot. As soon as bubbles appear on the cooking spoon, place the cut potatoes in the fat in several pieces. Fry for approx. 15 – … Read more

Lemon Tart with Sheep Ricotta

Sift the flour with the baking powder. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the flour mixture with 1 tbsp. honey form. Quickly knead everything into a smooth shortcrust pastry, adding a little cold water if necessary. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Grease a … Read more

Bean Salad with Beet and Cheese

For the beet and cream cheese salad with egg and nuts, mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Cook the beet in salted water until tender, peel and cut into 1 cm cubes, marinate with the dressing. Also cook the beans until soft and marinate. Boil the eggs for 5 min in a pot of … Read more