Hoorische/Stippcher – Elongated Dumplings Half and Half

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Take 2/3 raw potatoes and one third cooked the day before. Grate the raw potatoes and place them in a sieve with a baking dish underneath to drain them. The maizena (corn starch) settles in the baking dish and is later added to the potato dough. Pour the grated raw potatoes into a bag and squeeze them by hand. Afterwards, the cooked potatoes are put through a meat grinder or possibly grated as well. Now put the squeezed raw and grated cooked potatoes together in a sufficiently large bowl, add the chopped onion, a little bit of chopped salt, nutmeg, leek, aroma and the previously obtained potato starch. Mix everything well, then form elongated dumplings from the dough, shape in boiling salted water and make light for 10 min. Steep for another 10 minutes.

Hoorische or stippcher are traditionally served with a bacon sauce.

Our tip: Use bacon with a fine smoky note!

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