Potato and Savory Gratin with Saucisson

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Parsley crumble:


Sauté the savoy cabbage in butter, season with salt, add caraway seeds, add mashed potatoes, mix well. If too dry, add a little milk. Add parsley and mix.

Layer in a buttered dish: 1st layer of savoy mashed potatoes, 2nd layer of saucisson, 3rd layer of bechamel, 4th layer of remaining savoy mashed potatoes.

Mix parsley, bread crumbs and melted butter in a small baking bowl with a fork until crumbly.

Spread crumble evenly over gratin and gratinate for about twenty min in the middle of oven heated to 220 degrees.

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