For the rump steak cubes, cut the meat into approx. 3 cm cubes. Squeeze garlic and mix together with the meat, cayenne, paprika powder and oil in a bowl.
Spike the meat on the rosemary. If rosemary is too soft, poke a hole first using a wooden skewer. Sear on all sides in a grill pan and cook until pink. Season with salt and pepper.
Clean tomatoes, remove stalk, blanch, peel skin, quarter, remove core and dice tongues. Peel and dice the onion and garlic. First fry the onion in a pot with the oil until golden and then add the garlic. Add the honey, sauté briefly and deglaze with the vinegar. Fill up with tomato juice and let it simmer for a while. Grind the chili in a mortar and season with salt and sugar.
Prepare 1-2-3 Frites Original according to the package instructions in the oven and serve together with the rump steak cubes and the chili-tomato dip. Decorate with basil.