Frisian Daeumchen

Flour with sugar, nuts, spices and butter in flakes on the surface form. Press a bulge in the center, pour in eggs, chop everything together until crumbly and knead into a smooth dough. Cool in plastic wrap for 120 minutes, then roll out on floured work surface to 8 mm thickness and divide into 2, … Read more

Apple Caramel Pudding

Wash, peel, quarter, core and cut apples into pieces. Boil 3 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar, add the apple pieces and steam for about 3 minutes with the lid closed until soft. Then let cool. Mix 5 tbsp. milk and 4 tbsp. cornstarch until smooth. Heat the … Read more

Country Cream Cheese Tart

Lay out the puff pastry on the baking sheet, score a boundary line into the pastry with a knife (about 1 cm from the edge of the pastry). Attention: do not cut the dough! Mix the natural fresh cheese lightly with the pressed garlic and oregano, season with salt and pepper. Now spread this mixture … Read more

33 Liquore

Per il liquore 33, bucare l’arancia 33 volte con un ago da maglia. Versare la grappa in un barattolo e mettervi l’arancia. Aggiungere i chicchi di caffè e lo zucchero e lasciare in infusione la miscela per 33 giorni in un luogo caldo. Dopo 33 giorni filtrare il liquore e imbottigliarlo in un luogo fresco … Read more

Erpfenudln – Potato Noodles

Pasta dishes are just always delicious! Boil the potatoes on the stove, remove the skin, squeeze hot, spread out on a baking board and steam. Sprinkle the salt and flour over the potatoes, loosely roll off. Add egg, quickly and briefly press together to form a dough. Arrange finger-thick rolls, twist off finger-length pieces, fry … Read more

Elk Fillet Roasted in Meadow Hay

Remove skin and tendons from elk fillet, season and fry briefly all around in hot frying pan in oil. Whip egg whites until half stiff, fold into hay and mix well. Crush new spice, juniper and pepper and mix with thyme into the hay. ‘Wrap’ the meat in it, place in a braising pan and … Read more


Tip: Preferably buy apples at the farmer’s market – you will be surprised from what variety you can choose! Panhas is best cooked with half beef and half rather fatty pork, but it can be cooked tastily from the former as well as from the latter. Cook the meat until it is quite soft, carefully … Read more

Apple Pie

Put the flour on a pasta board and make a well in the center. Add the cubed butter, egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon to the well. Knead everything into a dough. Let it rest for an hour. In the meantime, peel the apples, quarter them and cut them into thin slices. Put them … Read more

Cream Spinach

For the creamed spinach, wash the fresh spinach and remove the stems. Scald briefly in hot water. Collect this water and use it for later infusion. Rinse the spinach with cold water. Fry the onion in butter, dust with flour and pour the collected water. Bring to a boil and add the spinach. Chop with … Read more

House Cuts

Mix all ingredients for the shortcrust pastry together. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours. Then divide into three parts. Roll out thinly on a floured work surface or between two baking mats and place the first part on a prepared baking sheet. Spread this sheet of … Read more