Hot Pepper Sauce – Homemade

For the homemade hot pepper sauce, wash the chiles, cut them open and remove the red seeds. Caution: these are very hot. Do not rub your eyes afterwards! Chop the chilies into small pieces. Mix the olive oil with salt, lime juice and the chilies. Finely chop the garlic and onion and add them as … Read more

Rien Ne Va Plus

For the Rien ne va plus cocktail, chop the lemongrass and crush it with a mortar in a shaker. Add the remaining ingredients and ice cubes and shake vigorously. Then strain the Rien ne va plus cocktail into a cocktail glass.

Mushroom Pan

Cut onion and bell bell pepper into small cubes. Fry the bacon in oil, add the onion, chili and diced peppers and finally the mushrooms. Fry well and add the eggs and let them set. Season with salt and pepper.

Grilled Asparagus

Look forward to this fine asparagus recipe: Remove the skin from the asparagus, cut away any woody ends. Heat a cast iron grill pan or skillet for two min. Add a little oil, spread evenly. Add asparagus in batches in a single layer. Grill for six minutes, turning. Add onions or shallots and sesame seeds. … Read more

Burgundy Sauce

For the Burgundy sauce, finely dice the shallots and sauté in butter. Then sprinkle with flour, stir through and pour in the red wine while stirring constantly. Allow to thicken slightly over low heat, stirring repeatedly. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Melt the sugar with a few drops of water and let it … Read more

Peel Ribs Five Times Different’

per person 500 g peel ribs If you want to gnaw off small bones with cannibalistic pleasure, taste spareribs, which are coated with a sauce during the grilling. The basic recipe is always simple on the spot. Grill the ribs for about 10 min on each side, brushing with oil and seasoning with salt, pepper … Read more

Pancake Timbal

For the pancake timbale, slice the tomatoes and mozzarella, wash the spinach leaves. The pancakes should be the size of a tomato slice (if too big, just “cut out” with a drinking glass). Layer the tomato slices, mozzarella, spinach, caramelized onion and pancakes. Repeat the process 1-2 times until a small timbal is formed. Garnish … Read more

Marzipan Pig Muffins

For the marzipan pig muffins, cream butter, sugar and vanilla sugar, then add yolks and beat egg whites until stiff. Add melted chocolate to the butter-sugar-yolk mixture. Carefully fold in the snow, flour and baking powder and fill into muffin cups. Bake at approx. 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Color marzipan with food coloring, roll … Read more

Salmon on Blackberry Sauce with Fennel Vegetables

Sauté. Mix the corn kernels and the grated potatoes with an egg and a little flour, season and fry in olive oil to make hash browns. Cut the fennel bulb into strips, sauté in olive oil with an unpeeled clove of garlic and fold in the finely chopped fennel greens. For the sauce, caramelize half … Read more