Dirndlbuchteln with Vanilla Sauce

Rating: 3.61 / 5.00 (70 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the Dirndlbuchteln with vanilla sauce the yeast dough Melt butter and whisk with sugar and eggs.

Mix flour, salt and yeast and add the whisked mass. Add a little lukewarm milk and work well (food processor) to obtain a nice, not too soft yeast dough.

Cover and let rise a little, then cut out balls or pieces of dough with a tablespoon. Press each piece of dough slightly wide on floured board, fill with jam and close nicely.

Place them one after the other in a mold with melted butter (if you roll the balls in butter, they will not stick together).

Let rise a bit and bake until golden brown. Cook the custard powder according to the instructions to make the custard sauce (1 sachet of custard powder with 3/4 liter to 1 liter of milk).

Serve the custard sauce hot with the Dirndlbuchteln.

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