Pain Au Levain – Sourdough Bread – with Wheat Flour Type 550

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)




All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Pour all the ingredients of the pre-dough into the bread maker and run through the dough program (Panasonic: pizza dough, 45 min).

The dough should be very soft, possibly add more tap water in case the sourdough is firmer. Put a plastic bag over the dough container and let the dampfl rise in a warm place (tiled stove) for about 1 hour.

Then add the other ingredients (adjust water addition) and run the dough program again. A soft dough should be formed. Put the plastic bag over the dough container again and let the dough rise in a warm place until it almost fills the container (3 L capacity). Tip the dough out of the machine onto a properly floured surface (it’s very soft!) and with wet hands fold the edges inwards towards the center and gently press smooth, never knead or possibly press too hard.

Place the dough, seam side up, in a baking bowl lined with a very properly floured dish rahangl (I use a 3 L whipping kettle) and dust with flour (it has proven effective to sprinkle a small amount of flour between the dish rahangl and the dough). Fold the dough loosely over the dough and put the whole thing in a large plastic bag and let it rise in a warm place for 1 -1 1/2 h, until the dough fills the baking bowl around it.

30 min. before the end of the rising time, turn the oven on 240 Gra

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