Clementine Punch

For the clementine punch, first put the rooibos tea in a preheated pot, add the spices and pour boiling hot water over it. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain. Wash the clementines and rub them dry. Finely grate the peel and then squeeze the fruit. Add both to the tea. Boil the clementine punch … Read more

Pasta Con Salsa Di Sedano

Per la pasta con salsa di sedano, lessare prima la pasta al dente. Pelare o pulire il sedano e le carote e tagliarli a dadini molto fini o grattugiarli grossolanamente. Anche l’aglio viene tritato finemente. Scaldare l’olio e soffriggere l’aglio, quindi aggiungere il sedano e le carote e soffriggere uniformemente, girando. Tenere in caldo un … Read more

Zurich Style Tripe

Briefly sauté onion and leek in butter until soft. Add celery, carrots, tripe and a little juice of a lemon, also sauté. Dust with flour, extinguish with wine and beef broth. Add spices and make on a small fire for an hour with the lid closed. Take out bay spice, celery and carrots, season as … Read more

Rice Flour Pancakes – Banh Xeo

In a baking bowl, mix water, rice flour and wheat flour well. Now add turmeric and saffron. Chop young onions very small and mix well with the dough. Let the dough rest for 2 hours. In the meantime, rinse the meat well, dry it with kitchen paper and chop it. Rinse the shrimp, remove the … Read more

Crab Jelly

Heat fish stock, season strongly with juice of one lemon, salt, wine and freshly ground pepper. Soak gelatine according to instructions and let it melt in the warm fish stock. Pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of stock into each ramekin and set aside to cool. Add shrimp and herbs, cover with stock and set aside … Read more

Garlic Sauce

Put curd cheese, mayonnaise and whipped cream in a large enough bowl. Squeeze the garlic cloves with a garlic press and stir everything together. Season with paprika and salt. We always serve pita bread with it.

Curd Fruit Cake

For the curd fruit cake, first preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat and line a baking tray with baking paper. Prepare fruit such as peaches, cut into small pieces or berries (fresh, frozen). For the cake, separate the eggs and beat the egg whites to snow. Beat yolks with salt, sugar, … Read more

Tagliatelle with Mushrooms and Top Sauce

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Sauté until translucent. Add the mushrooms and ham and sauté for another 5 minutes. Mix in the whipped cream, season with salt, season with pepper and heat through for 5 min. Make the tagliatelle* in enough salted water “al dente” and drain well. Mix with the cream sauce and … Read more

Liver Spaetzle Soup

For the liver spaetzle soup, finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Chop parsley and lovage and mix all ingredients well. Let the mixture stand for at least 10 minutes. Bring a pot with 1 l salted water to boil. Press the mixture through a spätzle sieve into the boiling salted water and let … Read more

Oriental Semolina Dessert

For the oriental semolina dessert, heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Fry the cloves and cardamom over low heat. Add the semolina and stir until it turns dark. Add saffron, raisins and sugar and stir thoroughly. Then pour in water and milk and bring to a boil while stirring. Cook for 10 … Read more