Pappardelle with Panchetta and Young Salad

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Boil pasta in enough salted water, do not quench but just pour the best olive oil. Heat basil oil in a saucepan and sauté the coarsely chopped garlic, pepperonchini and panchetta. Only the small fine lettuce leaves are used for this dish. Add leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes and … Read more

Barley Salad with Buendner Salsiz

Meanwhile, simmer barley in the soup for about 45 min with the lid closed on low heat until all the liquid is absorbed. Add cream cheese and vinegar to the still warm barley form and stir immediately. Remove the peel from the salsiz and dice it. Clean leek and cut into very, very fine rings. … Read more

Marinated Raspberries with Almond Spaetzle

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Cook pepper, two tablespoons of sugar and milk. Spread this on a board and scrape into boiling water using a scraping knife. Put the raspberries in a marinade of pepper, sugar, salt, balsamic vinegar, honey and red wine and pour over the almond spaetzle form. Use cocoa powder, … Read more

Smoked Salmon with Nettle Mousse

Whip the cooled cream until stiff and mix with the washed, finely chopped nettle leaves and horseradish. Seasoned with salt and pepper, pour the mixture into a small baking dish and set aside to cool. When firm, cut out balls with a spoon – warmed in a hot water bath – and place them on … Read more

Focaccia with Fresh Sage

A cake recipe for all foodies: In a baking bowl, stir the broken yeast with 2 tbsp. lukewarm water until smooth, then add about 100 g of flour and 100 cc of water. Stir to form a damp. Dust it well with flour and let it rise with the lid closed until it has doubled … Read more

Condimento Per Insalata Caesar

Per il condimento dell’insalata Caesar, mescolare l’olio con l’aceto, il vino, il sale all’aglio, lo zucchero, il pepe e la senape fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo. Tagliare la pancetta a cubetti e friggerla in una padella. Sbucciare lo spicchio d’aglio e tagliarlo a foglie. Mescolare i cubetti di pane con le fettine d’aglio nella … Read more

Mulled Wine Cake

Beat eggs, sugar, butter and spices until creamy. Mix flour, baking powder and cocoa, fold in alternately with the mulled wine. At the end, stir in the raisins and almond kernels. Grease a cup cake pan (22 cm ø) and sprinkle with sugar. Pour the batter into it. Bake: Bake in the oven heated to … Read more

Simple Zucchini Blinis

For the zucchini blinis, beat 3 eggs in a bowl, whisk with the flour and stir in the mascarpone. There should be no more lumps. Grate the zucchini, squeeze a little and add to the egg mixture. Heat fat in a frying pan and fry spoonfuls of zucchini mixture.

Grilled Fish Cajun Style

Mix the “spice”. Melt butter in a saucepan. Brush the fish fillets with the melted butter, rub with Cajun seasoning and paprika. Grill briefly on a or under a very hot broiler. The fish must be black on the outside and remain white and juicy on the inside. Serve with grilled corn on the cob … Read more