Wine Chef

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


Mulled wine:


Sugar, yolks and finely chopped lemon peel are stirred until creamy, lightly mixed with a little bit of cinnamon, the firm beaten egg whites, with sponge cake crumbs and with lukewarm melted butter.

The mixture is cooked in a greased and sugared pudding mold in a haze. After about half an hour of cooking, pour white wine over the mixture and let it simmer for another half hour.

Before serving, the wine boil is turned out of the mold and topped with mulled wine.

Mulled wine:

Red wine is boiled with lemon peel, cloves, sugar and whole cinnamon, strained and applied hot.

Our tip: Use your favorite red wine for cooking!

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