Lemon Garlic Salsa

Rating: 3.70 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut the lemons with peel into cubes and soften with a little water and all the sugar. Grind all ingredients and fill hot into glasses or freeze. Mix the lemon paste with the other ingredients in a hand mixer until smooth. Add a little wine if needed and season heartily with salt. Hollow out a lemon, fill with salsa and arrange on fresh lettuce leaves.


“Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and protects against bacteria and viruses,” says the full-pot expert. Already two to three fruits cover the daily need of an adult. In addition, citrus fruits contain folic acid. This vitamin is important for the blood formation and protects against heart and cycle illnesses.

However, the peel of these vitamin bombs is problematic. Citrus fruits from conventional cultivation are coated with wax to protect them from drying out. Natural or possibly chemical substances are used for this purpose. Therefore, the peel of grown fruits should not be used for food.

Usually, the fruits are treated with additional chemicals to prevent them from going moldy so quickly. However, those who choose untreated fruit are also not on the safe side.

Untreated does not mean unsprayed. Before juicing or peeling, citrus fruits should always be rinsed with warm water. Organic citrus fruits are a good alternative. Because with the biolo

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