Game Meatballs and Roasted Vogerlsalad

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Ingredients For The Salad:


Remove the skin from the onion, cut it off and fry it with the plucked thyme until golden brown. Then mix all ingredients in a baking bowl and season (feel free to roast a small sample to see how it tastes). Then form small meat loafs or possibly hackis.

Clean the lettuce and rinse well (be careful: Vogerlsalat is often sandy and must be washed a few times).

For the marinade, mix only the vinegar and oil. Place frying pan and roast the hackis over medium heat. When the hackis are almost done, put a second frying pan, butter pure form and froth up. Add walnuts, salt and pepper and sauté the lettuce briefly. Now spread evenly on plates, add the mince and run marinade around the outside.

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