Dough: Prepare flour, salt and the diced butter into crumbles in a food processor. Knead together with the egg and 1(!)tsp juice of one lemon to form a ball of dough. Cover and refrigerate, ideally for half an hour.
Pineapple filling: chop the flesh of the pineapple, whether fresh or canned, into small pieces (almost pureed) and put in a saucepan.
Gently simmer over medium heat together with sugar, the remaining 2 tsp. anise, cloves, juice of one lemon and nutmeg without a lid.
Next you need to be patient, because it takes some time for the mixture to thicken.
After about 20 minutes, the pineapple mixture should be ready. Now you can take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out to half to one centimeter. Cut out many small circles with a really big glass (just under 6 cm diameter at the top). However, the size can depend on the baking dish. In this, preferably a muffin tin (mini, there fit just as smaller circles), fill the dough patties and press a rim up the “wall” of the bulge. Form at least one heaped teaspoon of the pineapple mixture in each of these nests.
Bake the tartlets at 180 °C hot air (rather preheat a bit!) for 20 minutes.
The tartlets will be very tasty, a little bit dry if you are not careful, but the pineapple makes up for it. The dough alone does not taste good, but in combination with the fruit. Yum! With the specified amount of ingredients can be