Prepare about 600ml of soup from the lamb bones for about 2 hours, cool and skim off the fat. Remove excess fat from lamb and cut into small cubes. Stir the gelatin through with 2TL of soup and let it melt, then add it to the saucepan with the soup while stirring.
Stir in the mint sauce and season the mixture.
Rinse a round tall kitchen dish with boiling hot water and pat dry.
Fill to about 1cm high with clear soup and jelly it. Spread 2/3 of the peas evenly around the edge of the mold, place half of the eggs in the center and pour clear soup over them until covered. Gently mix meat cubes, remaining peas and egg slices and parsley, season with pepper and add to remaining clear soup. When it begins to gel, fill in the mold, cover and put in the refrigerator for a few hours.
Turn out the give. Garnish lamb in jelly with lettuce leaves and herbs and bring to the table.
Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for extra flavor!