For macaroon pastry you need a so-called egg white dough. It consists of pure egg white and a lot of sugar, instead of flour you add almond kernels or other nuts, almond paste – like here marzipan – or coconut.
Stiff snow gives the pastry volume and airiness.
If you want it to be crisp and firm, stir in the egg whites without beating, as in this recipe.
Knead the marzipan paste, egg whites and sugar to a smooth dough.
Fill the dough into a piping bag with a nozzle, pipe small balls onto the greased baking tray and sprinkle with flaked almonds and/or sugar.
Form into a roll of about 3 cm ø and cut each slice of 2 cm Maizena (cornstarch) small. Form the slices again into small rolls, roll in almond flakes, form into croissants or balls and place on a greased baking tray.
Bake in the oven heated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes until pale golden.
The almond macaroons must be eaten fresh. However, they will remain crunchy for a few days if you pack them on the spot after cooling in tightly closing tin cans.