Chili Goulash

For the chili goulash, cut the onion into noodles and fry in lard, add the pork. Add garlic, chili, tomato paste, paprika, salt and bell pepper, pour a little water and stew until soft. Now add the beans and corn and continue steaming until they are warm.

Confettura Di Fragole Al Vino Rosso

Sciacquare e pulire le fragole. Ridurre leggermente in purea un terzo della frutta, tagliare il resto in ottavi. Mescolare la polvere di gelatina con lo zucchero (2). Mettere in una casseruola grande la purea di fragole, i pezzi di fragole, il vino e l’acido citrico. Riscaldare mescolando. Quando bolle, aggiungere lo zucchero rimanente (1) e … Read more

Lentil Tartar on Fine Beans

A bean recipe for every taste: Bring some water to a boil in a saucepan. Pour in the lentils, hang a sieve with the beans over it, cover the saucepan. Make the lentils in about Twenty min, remove the beans before, once they have a crunchy bite. Meanwhile, whisk the sauce ingredients until creamy and … Read more

Minced Eggs

1. put a saucepan with water. Cook 3 eggs in boiling water for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water. 2. Peel and chop the onion. Mix with paprika, salt, pepper, egg and Emmental cheese and knead the mince well. 3. peel the eggs, turn them in breadcrumbs on the other side and cover with … Read more

Rose Petal Kaiserschmarren with Vanilla Cream

For the vanilla cream, mix cornstarch with 2 tbsp. milk. Cut open the vanilla pod and scrape out the pulp. Boil remaining milk with vanilla pulp and scraped out pod, stir in dissolved cornstarch and boil for 1 minute while stirring. Remove the saucepan from the stove, stir in the sugar and fold in the … Read more

Crumb Croquettes

For the breadcrumbs croquettes, heat the butter so that it melts. Put the breadcrumbs in a bowl and pour the butter over them. Mix with the eggs, milk and cheese to form a firm dough. Season with paprika, thyme, salt and pepper. Form croquettes from the dough and fry them in clarified butter. The breadcrumb … Read more

Bread Dumplings

For the bread dumplings, mix the bread cubes well with the ingredients, leave to stand for half an hour, stirring frequently. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add salt, form 5-6 dumplings, put them into the boiling water and let the bread dumplings simmer for about 20 minutes.

Mexican Beans – Basic Recipe

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Soak the beans for one night. The following day, pour off the water and rinse the beans with fresh water. Fill with cold water, add the chopped onion and do everything together with the lid closed at a low temperature. After about 3 hours the bean skin will start … Read more