Melanzane-Madaillons with Tofu Hats and Avocado Foam

Cut abergines into 2-3cm thick strips and sprinkle with juice of one lemon. In a frying pan, fry briefly in hot oil on both sides, extinguish with vegetable soup. When the water has evaporated, add clear soup repeatedly until the melanzane are cooked. Important: do not let the melanzane become too soft. The fluessgiekti must … Read more

Melon Lemonade

For the melonade, scoop out the flesh of the watermelon and cut it into small pieces. It is best to cut the watermelon over a bowl, so you can immediately collect the melon water and add it later to the lemonade. Place the melon pieces and lime juice in a blender or blender. Blend until … Read more

Pickled Celery Salad

Rinse the tubers, boil unpeeled in water until soft (needle test!) Cool briefly in cold water, quickly peel with sharp kitchen knife, cut into 3-4 mm thick slices and temporarily put in water with a tiny bit of juice of a lemon. Next, layer in the jars together with the sliced onion. Mix cucumber infusion … Read more

Raisin Loaf

Spread the give with butter. Mix the raisins with the rum and infuse. Sift the flour into a large enough bowl and in the middle stir the crumbled yeast with a little sugar, meal and milk to a dampfl. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes. Knead the remaining sugar, butter, eggs, salt and lemon … Read more

Corn Cake with Apples and Raisins

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Bring sugar, milk, salt, butter and grated lemon peel to a boil together. Gently mix in the caraway and semolina and simmer for 20 minutes at a very low temperature, stirring frequently. Add raisins and whipped cream and mix well. Line the bottom of a 24 cm diameter cake … Read more

Fisole Salad

For the green bean salad, finely chop the onion. Clean the green beans, cut them into pieces, boil in salted water until firm to the bite and rinse with cold water. Make a marinade of linseed oil, apple cider vinegar with blossom honey, salt and pepper, mix with onion and add to the green beans. … Read more

Chia Banana Chocolate Pudding

For the chia-banana-chocolate pudding, mix the cocoa in the whipped cream. Warm the coconut milk slightly and stir in the cocoa, as well as vanilla sugar and maple syrup to taste. Add the chia seeds and mix well with the coconut milk. After about 10 minutes, stir well again. Mash the bananas well with a … Read more

Berry Amaranth Bowl

For the Berry Amaranth Bowl, cook the amaranth according to the basic recipe and let cool (preferably the day before). Stir in applesauce and season with cinnamon and maple syrup. Place berries in a bowl and puree with a blender. Then grate in zest of one lime, add lemon balm and sweeten with maple syrup. … Read more

Vegetable Lasagna From the Steamer

For the vegetable lasagna from the steamer, brush the cooking tray with the olive oil. Place the first 6 lasagna sheets in it. Cover well with tomato sauce, spread vegetables on top and cover with mozzarella. Repeat this process 2 times and finally sprinkle the whole thing with grated Parmesan cheese. Cook for 35 minutes … Read more

Piccione Con Piselli Novelli

Scottare la pancetta, tagliata a pezzetti, in acqua bollente per 5 minuti. Scolare. Sciogliere il burro nella casseruola, versare la pancetta e cuocere delicatamente fino a quando non sarà dorata. Non deve assolutamente dorarsi! Togliere la pancetta, soffriggere le cipolle finché non saranno dorate e poi toglierle. Mettete quindi il piccione nella casseruola e fatelo … Read more