Susduk – Sauce to the Kazakh Beschbarmak

Grind Kurt cheese, mix with flour and mix in beef broth or water. Chop or mince herbs, fry lightly in fat and stir into the dissolved cheese mixture. Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these are also characterized by a fresh taste!

Moose Cordon Bleu with Peas and Frisée Salad

For the Elk Cordon Bleu with Peas and Frisée Salad, flatten the elk cutlets using a plating iron (about ½ cm thick). Top with ham and cheese. Fold the cutlets together. When doing so, the cheese should be completely enclosed by the ham and the ham by the cutlet meat. Season cordon bleu with sea … Read more

Cuoco Di Briciole

Per la miscela di pangrattato, inumidire il pangrattato con vino o rum. Lavorare a crema i tuorli e lo zucchero, aggiungere la cannella e la scorza di limone. Incorporare la neve montata a neve, amalgamare con cura le briciole inumidite, riempire una tortiera e cuocere a fuoco medio. Subito dopo la cottura, versare il vino … Read more

Cushion Cake

For the dough, separate the eggs, beat the egg yolks until creamy, add half of the sugar, oil and water. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff peaks form and then fold into the egg yolk-oil mixture. Finally, sift flour, cocoa and baking powder over the top and mix everything together until … Read more

Lasagna with Homemade Pasta Sheets

For the lasagna, chop carrots, celery, onions and garlic very finely. Dice the fresh tomatoes. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil and sauté the mince vigorously for 3-4 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon tomato paste, stir and fry briefly. Then add the vegetables and saute, stirring occasionally, for 5-6 minutes. Deglaze with red wine … Read more

Monastery Soup

Bring beef broth to a boil on 3 or automatic hotplate 12, sprinkle in long-grain rice and swell for 20-25 min on switched off hotplate. Dice bread, toast with butter in frying pan on 2 or automatic hotplate 7-9, set aside. Sauté onion cut into rings in butter until soft, add spinach cut into strips … Read more

Venison in Potato Coat

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Cut the parried saddle of venison into handle chops, season with salt and season with pepper. Finely grate the potatoes and season with pepper, salt, nutmeg and thyme. Wrap the venison chops in them and fry them in butter. Roast the knuell mushrooms in butter. For the sauce, refine … Read more

Semolina Porridge with Pear

For the semolina porridge with pear, bring the water to a boil, stir in the wholemeal semolina. Bring to the boil, remove from heat and allow to swell for 5 minutes. Peel and dice the pear, puree and add to the semolina porridge with the oil. Mix well and let the semolina porridge with pear … Read more

Pancakes Ship

For the pancakes ship first melt the butter and let cool. Beat the egg, mix with butter and buttermilk. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Mix the two mixtures together until smooth. Melt some butter in a skillet and fry the pancakes in batches in it on both sides. For the … Read more

Veal Chop Fried in One Piece with Paprika Oil

Preheat the oven to 140 degrees (convection oven). Season the veal cutlet with salt and pepper and brown it in a large roasting pan in a quarter of the olive oil, first on the meat side, then all around. Turn the chop over to the bone side and baste well with the hot olive oil, … Read more