Octopus Salad with Crostini

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Soften octopus together with halved lemon, peppercorns, bay spice, sea salt and a splash of vinegar in salted water for 35-40 minutes. Cut off the peppers, olives and onion. Chop garlic, parsley and basil. Peel the lime and cut it into small pieces.

Cut the cooked octopus into bite-sized pieces and stir through with the prepared vegetables and seasonings.

Make a marinade with vinegar, oil, salt and pepper, mix well into the lettuce and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

For the crostini:

Toast or grill slices of bread. Rub with garlic. Cut tomatoes into quarters, season with salt and drain in a sieve. Mix with chopped green onions and basil, and spread evenly on bread slices, season with pepper.

Remove the stems from the arugula, place on a plate, drizzle with vinegar and oil. Arrange the octopus salad on the arugula. Serve with the crostini.

Professional school, medium-bodied white wine

Tip: Stock up on high-quality seasonings – it pays off!

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