Green Papaya Salad with Sweet Crispy Pork*

A bean recipe for every taste: Shredding green papayas the traditional way is quite simple: Peel off the hard, green fruit with a sharp kitchen knife, then hold it in one hand, cut the pulp with the other, and shred it off the fruit. Modern and practical way is to use a mandoline slicer. Cook … Read more

Burgenland Croissant

Prepare the ingredients for the dough in a mixer (dough hook) to a smooth dough. If it is too soft, work in some more flour. Do not let the dough rise (it is a cold yeast dough –> therefore also do not use warm milk for the dough!) Divide the dough into 3 parts. Roll … Read more

Pancake Alla Ricotta Con More E Arance

Una ricetta di torta ottima per ogni occasione. 1: 1. per le frittelle, setacciare la farina con 1 pizzico di sale in una ciotola abbastanza grande. Unire il latte, le uova e l’olio e mescolare alla farina per ottenere una pastella omogenea. Passare al setaccio per eliminare i grumi e incorporare il croccante di nocciole. … Read more

Refreshing Tea

For the refreshing tea pour boiling hot water over all the leaves. Let steep for 5 – 10 minutes. Remove strainer or tea filter and sweeten to taste.

Colorful Pasta Casserole with Salmon Strips

For the colorful pasta casserole with salmon strips, cook the ribbon noodles in plenty of salted water until al dente, drain, rinse with cold water and drain well. Rinse the salmon fillet with cold water and pat dry. Cut the fillet into bite-sized strips, acidify with the juice of one lemon and pepper. Mix the … Read more

Rump Steaks in Garlic Mint Marinade

A bean recipe for every taste: Cut garlic cloves into slices. Rinse and dry the mint and cut into strips. Mix both with the apple juice, 2 tbsp. canola oil, salt and pepper in a shallow gratin dish. Rinse the rump steaks, dry them and marinate them for at least 2 hours (better for one … Read more

Vegan Parsley Spread

For the vegan parsley spread, wash and chop the parsley. Mix the tofu with lemon juice and salt, preferably with a stand mixer. When the mixture has a creamy consistency, stir in the parsley, lemon zest, pepper and linseed oil. Serve the vegan parsley spread.

Spicy Mushroom Pancake

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! Whisk flour, milk and egg. Season with nutmeg and salt. Allow the dough to swell for 10 minutes. Heat oil (1) in a coated frying pan and pour in the batter. Fry pancakes on each side until golden brown. Remove and keep warm. Heat the remaining oil. Peel … Read more

Strudel Di Cavolo

Per lo strudel di cavolo, tritare la cipolla e farla imbiondire con un po’ d’olio in una padella. Aggiungere il macinato e farlo rosolare. Tagliare il cavolo e i funghi a strisce/foglie. Aggiungerli al macinato in padella e farli saltare per qualche minuto. Condire e poi togliere la padella dal fuoco. Lasciare raffreddare. Mescolare i … Read more