Eddis Stuffed Potato Pancakes with Sauce Tartare

Original source : Ard-Buffet – Recipe service “Cooking and Comedy” by Otto Koch. Grate the raw potatoes and mix with the egg yolk, season with pepper, salt, mustard and a pinch of nutmeg. Put half of the potato mixture in a Teflon pan with oil form and start frying. Spread the feta cheese evenly on … Read more

Millet Mushroom Casserole

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Boil water. add clear soup extract, onion (I), salt and the millet briefly scalded. Bring to a boil and make about 20 min. at mild energy. Sauté onion (Ii) in hot fat for about 10 min. until soft. Mix eggs and sour cream, season with salt, pepper and a … Read more

Currants in Sour Milk

Rinse currants, strip them from the panicle with a fork, put them in a bowl. Put the fat in a frying pan, lightly brown the oatmeal and almond flakes in it, add the honey to the frying pan. Cool this brittle mixture and sprinkle it over the berries. Soak the gelatine in cold water for … Read more

Cucumber Vegetables in Mustard-Caper Sauce

Peel cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and scrape out seeds with a teaspoon. Cut the cucumbers into slices. 2. melt butter or light butter in a saucepan and steam the cucumber slices in it for 5 minutes until soft. Add the crème fraîche and mustard and cook for 10 minutes with the lid on. Add … Read more

Meat-Vegetable Strudel

For the meat-vegetable strudel, sauté onion, mince and vegetables in a skillet until almost browned. Meanwhile, whisk together sour cream, soup seasoning and eggs. Remove pan from heat and let cool slightly. Pour the egg and sour cream mixture over the meat and vegetable mixture and mix. Then pour the mixture on the strudel dough … Read more

Banana Slices

For the banana slices, first prepare the sponge cake. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with the sugar until smooth. Whip the egg whites to egg whites and mix carefully alternating with the flour. Grease the baking tray and dust with flour, spread the dough evenly (height about 2 cm) on … Read more

Wild Garlic Spread

For the wild garlic spread simply mix all ingredients and season with lemon juice, sugar, pepper and salt! Tastes very good on bread but also with soletti for dipping!

Chkembe Tchorba, Bulgarian Caledown Soup

Chkembe Tchorba is a famous Balkan specialty. Sauté finely chopped onions and sweet peppers in butter until hearty, sprinkle flour on top, let it brown slightly, add paradeis pulp and finely sliced boiled tripe (tripe), fill up with beef broth, season with marjoram, thyme, salt, bay leaf spice and finely chopped garlic, boil well, sprinkle … Read more

Garlic Cocktail I

This recipe is for those who really like garlic. Peel the garlic clove, roast it in the hot oil for 7 to 9 min. with the lid closed, put it in a suitable bowl. Mix vinegar, salt and pepper well with a whisk, mix with the garlic. Mix in carrots, celery and leeks, marinate with … Read more