Lacquer Duck

Rub duck with gin, leave for 1/2 hour. Dip duck in boiling water to blanch off skin. Remove and dry. Hang for four hours. Stir honey with sherry and a quart of boiling water. Brush duck every hour, hang to dry overnight. Place duck on grill. Place fat pan filled with water underneath. Cover wings … Read more

Frittelle Di Verdure in Agrodolce

Provate questo delizioso piatto di pasta: Mescolare gli ingredienti e lasciarli riposare per 30 minuti. Per il ripieno, preparare una marinata di sherry e farina di mais, tagliare la carne a strisce sottili e girarla sull’altro lato. Grattugiare grossolanamente le carote e il cavolo rapa, tagliare i cipollotti ad anelli. Scaldare l’olio, friggere la carne … Read more

Sterz Cornmeal Porridge

Sterz is served up and down the country in almost all rural inns in Styria. Instead of corn flour, which betrays Italian influence, heath flour, i.e. buckwheat flour, is also used. The “Heidensterz” is admittedly a rare delicacy today. You can also sugar your Sterz. Styrians usually drink sour milk with it or, at breakfast, … Read more

Garlic Lamb Chops

For the lamb chops, preheat the oven to 50 degrees. Finely chop rosemary and thyme, press garlic and spread most of it on the peppered chops. Heat oil and butter in a pan, put chops in and fry briefly on each side until hot. Lift out of the pan and let rest in the preheated … Read more

Nectarine Vanilla Shake

For the nectarine vanilla shake, puree the nectarines, add the remaining ingredients, whisk well from scratch and bring to the table in a tall glass.

Greek Farmer Salad

For the Greek farmer’s salad recipe, first wash the vegetables, remove the core and cut into strips or slices or cubes. Also peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Next, for the dressing, rosemary and oregano are rubbed and mixed together with salt, sugar, red wine and olive oil. Then mix with the chopped … Read more

Fish Soup

Soak barley and lentils for one night (lentils conditionally necessary, see package). Gut and scale fish. Bring water to a boil with the additions and simmer gently for at least an hour until the fish falls apart. Remove bones as best as possible. Add the finely chopped dill and a little salt if necessary and … Read more

Ham Mousse with Gorgonzola Cheese

Soak the gelatine in cold water. Then squeeze well, heat 25 ml chicken soup and dissolve the gelatin in it. Finely chop the ham and cut the cheese into small cubes. Put half of the ham with the cheese cubes in a bowl and puree finely with 100 ml chicken soup using a hand blender. … Read more

Banana Rhubarb Casserole

Remove the skin from the bananas. Cut into thick slices. Sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Rinse rhubarb and cut into pieces. Sprinkle with sugar. Sprinkle with ground cloves. Mix with the bananas. Pour into a greased baking dish. Place in the heated oven. Baking time 20 min. electric oven 200 °C . Gas stove … Read more