Salmon Spread

For the salmon spread, finely dice the smoked salmon. Finely chop the dill. Mix the crème fraîche with the cream cheese, dill, salt, pepper and lemon juice and add the salmon pieces.

Zucchini Lasagna

Finely chop onion and garlic, sauté in olive oil. Add minced meat and fry well. Add tomatoes with liquid, season with salt, pepper and thyme and simmer on low heat for at least 30 minutes. The sauce should be viscous. For the béchamel sauce, melt the butter, add the flour and sweat. Gradually add milk … Read more

Stuffed Kohlrabi on Carrot-Cumin Sauce

Remove the skin from the kohlrabi and scoop out with a “Parisienne” cutter. Boil all the kohlrabi parts in salted water until soft. Slice the carrots and one third of the shallots and sauté the thyme in butter until soft and remove. For the sauce, chop the remaining shallots and sauté in butter. Then add … Read more

Spring Salad Plate

Note: As a substitute for the black radish, but with less effect on the metabolism may be equally radishes. Prepare carrot al dente. Rinse sprouts under water before use and drain well. Spread lettuce leaves evenly on plate, finely dice carrot, grate kohlrabi, celery and radish very finely and spread evenly over lettuce leaves, as … Read more

Snack Bar with Caraway Seeds

For the Jausenstangerl with caraway, put the flour, salt, yeast and sugar in a bowl. Heat the milk briefly so that it is lukewarm and add to the remaining ingredients in the bowl. Knead with the dough hook for a few minutes. Then add the tablespoon of lard and knead again briefly. Let the dough … Read more

Pasta Bake

For the pasta casserole, sauté the onions and add the minced meat. Add the canned tomatoes cut into pieces and sauté. Add some tomato paste. Add the diced peppers and zucchini. Season well. Put the pre-cooked but still al dente pasta together with the farschi in a baking dish. Cover with béchamel sauce and sprinkle … Read more

Green Tomato Jam

For the green tomato jam, cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Leave to infuse with the sugar for 2 days. Reduce juice in a saucepan until half. Add tomatoes and juice of one lemon and simmer for about 45 minutes. Stir again and again. Fill the hot green tomato jam into jars and seal tightly … Read more

Torta Di Mele Dalla Teglia

Una ricetta di torta per tutti i buongustai: scorza grattugiata di un limone bianco Resa: guarnizione Resa: oltre a farina per stendere tuorlo d’uovo per ricoprire. Mescolare la farina con il lievito in una ciotola larga. Fare una rientranza al centro. Distribuire il burro a fiocchetti in modo uniforme sulla farina. Aggiungere all’impasto la scorza … Read more

Shortbread – Scottish Shortbread Cookies

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Knead sugar, butter and 1 pinch of salt with your hands. Add the flour and knead quickly to form a smooth ball of dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour. On the floured surface, press the dough into a rectangular shape with your hands, then roll … Read more

Salt Sticks Au Gratin

The gratinated salted sticks are an ideal recipe for spontaneous visitors or to use leftovers! For this, first hard boil the eggs. Rinse cold, peel and chop finely. Finely chop the ham and the pickled gherkins as well. Cut the salt sticks lengthwise and scoop out the inside (best done with a small spoon). Mix … Read more