Torta Alla Salsa Di Mele

Per la torta alla marmellata di mele, preriscaldare il forno a 190° C. Mescolare tutti gli ingredienti, tranne la marmellata di mele e le mandorle, in una ciotola con una forchetta. L’impasto deve risultare friabile, senza impastare o usare un mixer, ma solo sbriciolato. Imburrare e infarinare una tortiera da 20 cm e versarvi 2/3 … Read more

Game Style Turkey

For the game-style turkey, heat the oil, render the bacon fat and brown the onion, continue to brown the meat, add the tomato paste and the carrots and celery. Add the spices, water and soup powder, add the cranberry compote and cook until the meat is tender (about 30 minutes). Fish out the meat, remove … Read more

Raisin Buns

For the raisin buns, grease a baking pan with sides 24 cm long. Sift flour and salt into a large enough bowl. Mix in the dry yeast. Rub butter into mixture with fingers until a crumbly dough forms. Add egg and milk and beat until dough is smooth. Let the dough rise, covered, in a … Read more

Pot Au Feu

First, put the beef (as whole pieces) with 2 liters of cold water and let it boil leisurely. After it has boiled, skim off the gray foam that has formed on the surface, then add the tied herb bouquet and the peeled onions, each larded with two cloves, as well as the peppercorns and the … Read more

Savoy Cabbage Soup

Clean cabbage, rinse, remove stalk and cut into very fine strips. Steam in fat until soft, put one third of the cabbage aside, dice peeled potatoes, add to cabbage form, season with curry, steam briefly, fill up with clear soup. After cooking, mash with a hand blender, fold in whipped cream and season, add the … Read more

BABY: Broccoli Potato Rice Cereal Porridge

For the broccoli-potato-rice flake porridge, cut the broccoli florets into small pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Boil both in water for about 20 minutes and mash with a blender. Add the rice flakes and oil and stir well.

Black Pudding with Red Cabbage and Potatoes

For the black pudding with red cabbage and potatoes, peel, wash and quarter the potatoes and boil them in salted water. In a second pot, heat the red cabbage from the package. Heat cooking oil in a pan and fry the blood sausages in it. To prevent them from losing their shape, carefully cut the … Read more

Cod Fillets in Olive Oil Parsley Garlic Marinade

For the cod fillets, rinse the cod fillets in cold water and pat dry! Then marinate with olive oil, parsley and the garlic pieces. The whole thing in the refrigerator for 2 hours to pull! Now put in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Strawberry Salsa

To make the strawberry salsa, place all ingredients together in a stand mixer and blend in a jerky motion, leaving some chunks in the salsa at the end.

Blueberry Pie

For the blueberry tart, preheat the oven to 160 °C (top and bottom heat) degrees. Coat the cake tin with Kronenöl Spezial with fine butter flavor and dust with flour.Separate the eggs. Sift flour and baking powder and mix with grated almonds. Beat the egg yolks, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla sugar and grated lemon peel … Read more