Herb Stew with Beef,

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: , salt black pepper, pepper, f. A.d.M. It is best to soak the beans in lukewarm water for one night. A day later drain the beans in a sieve. Soften in enough salted water for about 90 min. Drain. Cut meat into three to four centimeter cubes, season with … Read more

Papaya Dream

For the papaya dream, cut the papayas in half and remove the seeds, then sprinkle them with lime juice. Cut the orange, peaches and grapes into pieces, spread them over the papaya halves and put the whole thing in the fridge. Melt the sugar in a pan together with some orange juice and let it … Read more


For the Nussaler, preheat the oven to 150 °C hot air. Quickly knead all ingredients into a dough and let rest in the refrigerator if necessary. Roll out the dough, cut out cookies and bake for about 5 minutes (not too long). Let the cookie pieces cool down, stick them together with jam and decorate … Read more

Fruity Mango Banana Smoothie

For the fruity mango-banana smoothie, slice the banana and freeze. Peel and dice the mango and freeze. Toast almond flakes in a pan without fat until light brown. Let cool and puree with bananas, mango, orange juice and honey in a blender. Divide the fruity mango-banana smoothie among glasses and garnish with lemon balm.

Lacquered Prawns with Tomatoes

So prepare as follows: … Grasp the curved tail with thumb and forefinger and straighten it so that it bursts open. Now you can detach the carapace from the meat segment by segment on the underside. Score shrimp on the back with a small sharp kitchen knife just deep enough to expose the black intestine. … Read more

Herb Muffins with Parmesan

For the herb muffins with Parmesan, preheat the oven to 200 °C. Grease muffin tin or place paper molds in the wells. Mix flour and baking powder. Then add baking soda, some herb salt and herbs and mix it all together. In a bowl, mix the flour mixture, eggs, egg whites, buttermilk, olive oil and … Read more

Verdure Alla Paprica E Cetrioli Con Uova in Camicia

Per le uova in camicia 1 litro di acqua 3 cucchiai di aceto 4 uova fresche carta da cucina 1 baguette Sbucciare la cipolla e tagliarla in ottavi. Sciacquare il peperone, sbucciare il cetriolo e tagliarlo a cubetti grandi. Sciacquare la patata e tagliarla a cubetti. Scaldare l’olio d’oliva in una padella e soffriggere la … Read more

Celery Soup

For the celery soup, first wash, peel and chop the celery. Steam in the soup until soft. Add pepper, salt, whipping cream and a little bit of cow’s milk and cook the whole thing to a puree. Blend finely if necessary. To serve, sprinkle chive rolls over the celery soup.