Apple Pockets

Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes. Then put them in a pan, stir in sugar and cinnamon and steam for a few minutes on low heat, let cool. Roll out the puff pastry and cut into rectangles (about 10 x 6 cm – size variable). Spoon the cooled mixture onto the pastry … Read more

Cuban Black Frijoles Soup

Soft boil the knuckle of pork, cut into cubes. Cool cooking water. Cut vegetables into cubes, clean chiles, remove seeds, chop. Sauté everything in bacon fat, add spices (ground) and simmer a little bit. Fill up with cooking water (must be 1.25 l) and do until beans are soft, about 2 hours. Add the tomatoes … Read more

Almond Hearts

For the almond hearts, first knead all the ingredients for the dough into a smooth shortcrust pastry using a mixer and leave to rest in a cool place for half an hour. Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Roll out dough to about 2 mm thick, cut out … Read more

Meatballs with Cabbage

Soak 2/3 of the oatmeal in the milk. Chop the onions. Cut chives into rolls. Knead drained mince, oat flakes, egg, onions and half of chives together, season. Form 12 balls. Roll in remaining oatmeal. Heat half of the lard, roast balls for approx. 12 min. Rinse bell bell pepper, cut half into pieces. Take … Read more

Croissant Parisienne

Stir mayo with grainy mustard and honey. Cut cornichons into slices. Cut croissants in half, spread with honey-mustard sauce, place cornichons and ham on the bottom half, place the top half on top – a tasty little snack is ready. According to the legend, the English Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich “with a lid”, … Read more

Chocolate Wafers

First prepare the dough as described in the basic recipe, mixing the cocoa with the flour. Fold the chocolate chips into the finished batter. Bake the waffles and then serve as desired.

Herb Sauce

For the herb sauce, peel and chop the onion. Melt the margarine in a pot and fry the onion in it. Add flour and brown. Pour in water, milk and white wine, add herbs, season and simmer gently for about 20 minutes.

Katers Tomato Fish with Nibbled Corn

Sauté the long grain rice in a saucepan with oil. Next, add a quarter of a liter of water and 1/ 2 tsp of salt, bring the whole to a boil and swell at low temperature with the lid closed. Sprinkle the plaice fillets with the juice of one lemon, season with salt and season … Read more

Mango Pudding

Peel the mango and puree about 3/4 of the pulp, dice the rest for decoration. Mix 100 ml water with the cornstarch. Boil 300 ml of whipped cream with sugar and 100 ml of water together. When boiling, slowly add cornstarch-water mixture and cook, stirring constantly, for about a minute to make pudding. Mix pudding … Read more

Peppers Stuffed with Cauliflower and Cheese

Peppers rinse, remove a lid and take out the core. Put the cleaned and washed cauliflower in boiling water. Add pepper, salt, juice of one lemon, nutmeg and a little bit of fat to the water and cook the cauliflower for about 15 minutes. Then take out the cauliflower, drain and mash it. Mix the … Read more